The GremDAO

The Gremlinz
2 min readApr 3, 2022

What is the GremDAO?
The GremDAO is the official DAO of The Gremlinz community. It will be funded with 50% of royalties income. Holders will vote weekly what to do with those funds.

What was the GremDAO created for?
The GremDAO is just one of many ways our holders will be rewarded. Our main purpose is to give our holders as many opportunities as possible.

By being part of the GremDAO you will get whitelist spots for a lot of high tier projects.
The GremDAO will be also dedicated to mint new projects and distributing profits toholders on a weekly basis. We will only invest in projects that our holders previously voted/agreed on.

Once we have invested in a project we will start a vote which allows holders to choose what to do with the NFTs.

For example:

  • Sell 50% and hold 50%.
  • Instantly sell entire position post mint.
  • Hold entire position.
  • Other.

Our DAO wallet will be totally controlled by our holders. We will never do anything they haven’t previously voted/agreed on.

At the end of the week we will start another vote which allows holders to vote what to do with the funds/profits.

For example:

  • Redistribute the funds/profits equally amongst all unlisted Gremlinz.
  • Purchase more NFTs off secondary. Community can vote on a specific collection that they want us to purchase.
  • Keep funds in the wallet and accumulate in order to make larger plays when the time is right.

We want to emphasize that funds will be distributed amongst all unlisted Gremlinz, if your Gremlin is listed on a secondary marketplace, you will not receive any profit. Also, the more unlisted Gremlinz you have, the more profits you will receive.

The GremDAO is a funded wallet where we secure a lot of WL opportunites for upcoming projects for both holders and our wallet. All the profits we get will go back to holders.

If you want to be part of this amazing community, join our Discord.



The Gremlinz

A collection of 222 hand-drawn gremlinz on the Solana blockchain.